Furlough, Lockdown, Social Distancing, Bubble – Terminology that 6 months ago, we had rarely, if ever, heard is now part of our daily vocabulary. And we’d just better go along with it, if we don’t want to get left behind. Like it or not, we are shaped by circumstance and this often happens unnoticed, as a consequence of applying ourselves to whatever we feel we need to do.
Take working from home:- No travelling, Wear whatever you wish, Continuous coffee, Talk to your partner….WHAT’S NOT TO LIKE??
What about longer hours, lack of colleague interaction, detachment from day to day informal contact/banter?
We can, of course, see the need to take account of all aspects of a situation, but often this consideration only goes as far as what we think. Often physical issues are ignored.
Much time and money is invested by wise and considerate organisations in ensuring that the workplace is designed to suit the people who use it, rather than expecting those people to adapt themselves to circumstances that force them to work in an uncomfortable, stressful or dangerous way.
But what happens at home? How many of us work from dining chairs, instead of ones designed for purpose? Who relaxes (collapses) onto the settee to work, instead of considering good, dynamic posture?
Some suggestions:-
Factor mobility into the working day. Set a timer to go off 50 minutes into each working hour. In those ten minutes, do some stretching, brisk walking, Tai Chi, Yoga, Semi-supine lying down.
It’s in your interests to do whatever you can. Remember: Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. If you’d like some ‘hands on’ help, contact Mindfulness Leicester: We do more than teach Mindfulness.