The Key To Contentment
Well, I’ve lived in Blaby for over two weeks now and very nice it is, too. Training of my two humans is going well, even if they are a tad slow on the uptake, but all in all, I am content.
And that Canine Contentment with what we currently have is crucial to a happy life. Even though I am only 6 months old, I have seen so many people fixate on the idea that if only they had more money, a bigger car or house, or a newer phone, then they would instantly be happier.
To my way of thinking, life is simply not like that and the following story makes the point well:
An American Professor of Business was on holiday in Mexico and one morning, was watching a fisherman haul his boat onto the beach; it was 10a.m.
“Excuse me, my friend” said the Professor, “But why are you finishing work so early?”
“Because I’ve caught enough fish to feed my family, plus a few extra to sell,” replied the fisherman. “Now I will go home and have a bite to eat with my wife, have a siesta, then greet the kids when they come home from school. Later on, I’ll meet my friends in the bar, have a few drinks and sing a few songs.”
“Hold on” said the Professor. “You’re missing a trick here. If you stayed out all day, you’d catch three times as many fish, sell the surplus, then in, say, a year, you could buy a bigger boat, hire some crew and catch even more fish. How much more money you’d make! Carry on like this and before you know it you’d own a fleet.”
“Then, you float the Company sell the shares at the right time and hey presto! you’re a multimillionaire…”
“But Señor,” said the fisherman, what do I do with all these millions of dollars?”
“My friend, said the ‘wise’ Professor, “You can retire! Buy a nice house and fishing boat in a lovely village like this one, catch a few fish each morning, have lunch with your wife, spend quality time with the kids, enjoy a few drinks and have a singsong with your pals…
“Señor,” said the fisherman urgently – “I do all that already!!”
As a canine observer of this kind of behaviour, why do you humans think you need to get rich, before you can find contentment?
My Mummy and Daddy run a course, Journey to Mindfulness, which shows you how to get out of the ‘rat race’ and truly enjoy life, as it is, moment by moment. Learn how here!!